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AnyShare Family 6.0.8 Release Notes

2019-11-25 5409 0
AnyShare Family 6.0.8 


I. Major Product Solutions

1. Redefine Delete behavior in the Windows Client 
Solution Description:Local Delete in the Windows Client does not delete files in the Cloud anymore but the local Cache and data remains preserved in the Cloud (not controlled by AnyShare Delete permission).
Choose a file in the Windows Client, then select Delete from Cloud in the sidebar or by right-clicking, and now this Delete operation can successfully delete Cloud data (controlled by AnyShare Delete permission).

Application Scenario and Value: Solve the problem of data loss caused by users’ mistaken Delete operations when Windows Client is offline.
2. The distributed deployment supports AnyShare 5.0 and 6.0 compatible upgrade solution
Solution Description: The distributed deployment can support AnyShare 5.0 and 6.0 compatible upgrade solution. For example, the main site is upgraded first, then sub-sites upgraded in batches. During the upgrading process, sites that aren’t in the upgrade can still be used normally.
Application Scenario and Value: This upgrade solution flexibly plans batch upgrades for each site instead of upgrading all sites at the same time, thus avoiding personnel coordination problems; meanwhile, it also solves business paralysis caused by abnormal use of the later upgraded sites within a certain period.
3. The antivirus services support visual deployments
Solution Description: Admins can flexibly choose corresponding application nodes to visually install or uninstall antivirus services based on their demands in the Service Management interface in the system console. Meanwhile, this solution also supports upgrading installed antivirus services. 
Application Scenario and Value: The visualization of antivirus services is deployed on demand, which not only avoids unnecessary occupancy of the disk, CPU, internal storage, and other resources but also reduces the dependency of modular service upgrade on system version upgrade and the complexity of the deployment, making the release more flexible. 
4. Object Storage is compatible with Huawei FusionStorage
Solution Description: AnyShare provides a content management platform based on Huawei FusionStorage to realize unified storage and management of content data and comprehensively break the application islands.
Application Scenario and Value:
Huawei FusionStorage is a distributed storage product with great horizontal scalability on a large scale. A single cluster of object storage supports up to 4096 nodes and 480 PB capacity, realizing the storage of massive content data. At the same time, FusionStorage's incremental EC feature aggregates small objects into large objects without performance loss, combined with AnyShare file-level deduplication technology to further improve space utilization.

II. New Features

1. Comprehensive Optimization and Improvement of ODL Import Function
Rename Import ODL User Organization as Import/Export User Organization. Admins can export user organization templates to edit in batches, and then upload the edited user organization sheets to realize importing user organization at one click. 
2. Overall Optimization of Global Search Function
Add Common in the search scope (the original Favorites function);
When browsing File list, users can make a quick search in the current folder and the subfolder;
Simplify the UI interactions of advanced search; when changing search criteria, search results will change in real-time. 

3. Windows Client supports quick positioning of files via tree diagram
Add file tree diagram in the All Documents interface so that users can quickly position files via tree diagram.
Note: The tree diagram can be shown or hidden as needed. 

4. Personalized production tools support English version
Personalized production tools are used to help users generate personalized installation packages. After downloading this tool, the software language will be in line with the system. 
Note: Personalized production tools in Windows Client support manually switching display languages. 

5. Domain control certification supports high availability
Admins can add primary and backup domain controllers at the same time to ensure high availability of certification to avoid domain users cannot log in when a domain controller crashes.
Note: Allow to add 5 back domain controllers at most.

III. Experience Improvement and System Optimization

 1. Optimize update mechanism of the Mobile Client
If the Mobile Client version is lower than the server version, it will initiate an automatic detection and remind users to update (non-compulsory or forced update is set by the admins).
2. Optimize the sidebar layout of the Windows Client 
Optimize the sidebar layout by adjusting the main part of the interface as per the function usage frequency to make the sidebar easier to use.
Rename functions to more accurately describe functions: rename Favorites as Common, Delete as Delete from Cloud, and Download as Cache.
Note: Rename of Favorites and Delete also apply to other terminals.

3. Optimize the show border of the right-click menu in the Windows Client
When the Windows Client isn’t logged in, or logged in but offline, there is no AnyShare operation option for right-clicking the document at any location; 
When the Windows Client is logged in, right-clicking files outside the disk, the menu displays AnyShare operation options including Sync to Web Disk, Send to Web Disk, and Other; right-clicking files inside the disk, the menu shows all operation options of AnyShare.

4. Optimize handling of version conflict files
When file version conflict happens, canceling ad-hoc format (.anyshare.conflict) of the conflict file, the system will automatically rename conflict file and upload it to the original site and give corresponding prompts.
5. Quick Copy of SharedLink 
Since Copy of SharedLink and Share do not have a strong coupling relationship, i.e., users can Copy SharedLink of any visible files, thus, add Quick Copy SharedLink, and users can realize one-key Copy SharedLink by floating, selecting, or right-clicking file menu. 
6. Add Quick Start in the Administration Console
7. Optimize adaptation problem of iOS Client opening office files on iPad
8. Optimize local sync directory module

When the local sync directory is disabled, give users prompts while automatically terminating the local sync relationship, and Save a copy of the original directory in the Web Disk in case of data loss.
9. Mac Client is compatible with Office 2019 and WPS Office for Mac 2019
10. Improve the speed of opening HTTPLink when it contains too many files 
11. Improve user experience in searching shared objects when the number of users is too large
12. The valid period of Share and HTTP Share can be accurate to minutes

IV. Matters Needing Attention

1. Unify API Ports
Change the original HTTP access ports 9123, 9998 of Windows Client, Mac Client, Web Client, and Mobile Web Client to 80; change HTTPs access ports 9124, 9999 to 443.
Note: The ports of Mobile Client do not change.

2. When users preview files in the Quarantine area, the operation entrances of other functions will be hidden.
3. Remove the configuration of AnyRobot analysis tool in the application console 8000
4. Rename Ceph as ECeph, Swift as ESwift

V. Bug Fixes and Some Improvements

Windows Client
1. Fix an issue where files can be uploaded to Web Disk when Windows Client is offline
When the computer is offline, Windows Client will quickly detect network disconnection; Meanwhile, the Tray Icon and Sidebar will go offline and the files will not display status icon.
2. Address an issue where document interface could not display properly in the Windows Client
3. Resolve an issue where synchronization is slow when uploading small files in batches

Web Client
1. Fix an issue where signatures cannot display when previewing PDF files
When users preview PDF files using Signature in Adobe Reader, their signature can display normally.
2. Resolve an issue where batch Delete in IE9 only Deletes one object
Selecting multiple files to Delete in batches can be successful.
3. Address an issue where Synchronization is slow when uploading small files in batches
Mac Client
1. Fix an issue that causes Mac Client crash when the local folder is sent to Web Disk
Click the desktop folder and Select Send to Web Disk. If the chosen target path does not have upload permission, the user will be prompted for corresponding permission.
Mobile Client

1. Address an issue where video fails to play when Android Client port 9999/9124 is selected
2. Resolve an issue where the interface gets stuck when reopening screen after a long standby black screen in the iOS Client
3. Fix an issue where an anomaly happens when Copying/Moving files identified and positioned by the SharedLink to another location

Open the iOS Client after copying SharedLink, click View, and then Copy or Move the file. This operation can be successful.

1. Address an issue where set mailbox does not support Underline
2. Fix an issue where the DC address does not support domain name when setting domain control (DC)
3. Resolve an issue where antivirus packages cannot be uploaded through Safari 
4. Address an issue that causes failure to reinstall Antivirus Service if that has already been installed

If antivirus service has been installed, delete the old installation package and upload the new version, which can be installed successfully.


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