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AnyShare Family Notes

2023-01-05 631 0
【Unified Tags
I. Unified Tags Introduction and Value Proposition
1.Introduction: Unified Tags is here to establish a unified tag system around the organization's business, security and management needs, classify and tag different content such as documents, knowledge, and forms, and achieve efficient content governance, strict security governance and knowledge governance through real-time data governance.
2. Value Proposition:
Efficiently Implement Content Governance : comprehensively improve search efficiency to improve organizational productivity; enrich collaboration dimensions to empower digital office models
Security Governance : automatic matching of security capabilities to ensure the security of data assets; simplify security governance and reduce security control costs
Knowledge Governance : visualization of knowledge systems lays the foundation for data asset management; knowledge inheritance empower individual and organizational creativity
II. Features Implemented in this Version
1. The Unified Tag Tree is Launched: intelligent search for users is more convenient, business collaboration in the whole office journey is more efficient, and customer productivity is improved
² My Portal: Support label navigation, users can view information by label classification, and the search process is more efficient

² Documents: Supports unified tags and display of document marks, making it easy for users to quickly locate and search documents
² Knowledge: Support multi-level tags for knowledge content such as topics, knowledge bases, and knowledge circles, so that users can search intelligently by tags.
Under the tags My interest, add "Popular Tags" and "Interest Tags" to display the official tags with the highest popularity in the past quarter, as well as the content tags of knowledge items, which can be clicked to realize the tag navigation function

² Intelligent search :
Multi-level Tags: support multi-level tags, enhance data management capabilities, intelligent search page supports tag navigation, and can be filtered according to multi-level tags
Features Implemented in This Version
Intelligent search supports unified tag management, and the client search interface supports filtering through multi-level tags. The unified tag system makes the whole process of user work more concrete and easier to search.

【Optimization of Core Features】
I. My Portal: Optimizing the Interactive Experience
² Activity : Added the function of displaying files and folders moved/copied by other users in the Favorites, add the function of statistical user's own operation , so that users can fully grasp the document update information
² Popular Around You : Change the query scope to the first-level department, which improves the relevance of the files that users see, and the content is more clearly displayed. It accurately displays the materials that everyone in the user's current organization is watching, and it is convenient for users to find highly relevant content
II. Works : File Collection Security & Compliance
² File Collector : Support review and complete email notification of scenarios to ensure the security and compliance of the file collection process
² Openness Improvement : The plugin supports adding custom external applications and links, users can use webview to load external links in the rich client single-window multi-tag mode
III. Intelligent Search : One-stop Result Presentation , Search Efficiently
² Support for Searching Knowledge Subject : Add [Official Tags] Tab to the intelligent search page, support users to search for knowledge center topics, more integrated
IV. SAP Intelligent Content Management : Data Synchronization Optimization
² Data Synchronization: realizes the data extraction and management functions of [Scenario Configuration] and [Data Synchronization], and supports users to customize and synchronize business scenario data according to the business scenarios of the enterprise. Data synchronization supports full synchronization, self-defined synchronization and multi-thread parallelism. After unified cleaning and conversion of synchronized data, a standard business basic library is formed in AnyShare
V. NAS Gateway: NAS Gateway Availability Improvements
² Dynamic Configuration of Shared Directories and Permissions: SMB supports dynamic configuration of shared directories and permissions, allowing users to dynamically add/delete/modify/query shared directories and their permission information without restarting the service, and supports dynamic configuration
VI. Document Domains : Document Domain Configuration is More Convenient
² Application Account Name Acquisition: When an application account creates or edits a document, the correct application account can be obtained through the document information interface, which solves the problem that the creator name is displayed as "unknown" on the interface. Added permissions to support organizational structure management in the application account, and support the functions of creating, editing, and deleting permissions for users. The admin console supports setting the application account as the document library owner
VII. Observability:Provide Capabilities to Support O&M, Operations and Security
² Meet different Requirement : AnyShare business log analysis templates, including operation analysis, user behavior analysis, and security audit.
Operation scenarios: Business and operation personal can evaluate the effectiveness of operations, grasp platform operations from a global perspective, intuitively understand the status of user and content usage, and realize unified management of enterprise assets. Users can analyze popular documents and accurate marketing, which facilitates users to evaluate operation promotion strategies and execution results and provides data support.
Security audit scenario: Enterprise security department personnel conduct user behavior audits to facilitate real-time monitoring of potential threats, locate and track abnormal users, and safeguard enterprise system security. Users can audit data security to avoid data leakage, reduce virus risks, and facilitate users to monitor critical/sensitive data plays to ensure internal and external compliance and data security requirements.
² Improved Active User Statistics Report: In the data report of the management console, the data source adds the active user option, which is convenient for users to visually count active users according to indicators and dimensions through charts
² Optimization : AnyShare Observability Advanced Service Implementation supports data flow configuration automation, simplifying manual configuration operations
【Optimization of Sub-products】
I. KnowledgeCenter :Refined Management of Knowledge Circle Content
1. Knowledge Circle Experience Optimization:
² Section Order Customization: Knowledge circle members can set the section to which the content belongs and support custom adjustment of the classification order. The upper limit of sectors has been increased to 50. Uploading documents supports distinguishing section information and filtering according to the section to which it belongs
² Content Pinning: Circle owners and knowledge managers can pin content to facilitate knowledge community members to access important information
² Complete Multiple Optimizations:
1)Knowledge topics can add all published articles;
2)Optimized the search performance of Knowledge Center OpenSearch and improved it by more than 80%;
3)Fixed the issue in rich text that caused images to be deleted by mistake or referenced to incorrect image files, resulting in splitting images
II. AutoSheets
1.Forms Optimization
² Basic Features
Table editing supports inserting multiple rows and columns at specified locations.Supports merging or splitting cells for users with modify permissions to tables, and supports table files imported into AutoSheets to retain the merged cell formatting, and copy-paste is supported.
² Freeze Function
Support users with modification permissions to freeze or unfreeze rows/columns, support table files imported into AutoSheets to retain the freeze format, can freeze the data header, and ensure that the table header does not move when scrolling, which is convenient for users to easily understand the data

2.Experience Optimization
² Optimize the user's perception of table selection row , column and width, adjust row height and column width, display pixels in real time, user selection area, increase the display of selected rows and columns, and enrich table functions
² The Table Center browser tab is down to the table of contents for quick searches
² When you create a new or edit form file, the web jump mode is adjusted to a new tab page, and the client opening method is adjusted to a pop-up window
Function Optimization and Bug Fixes
This release also improves the experience in many details, and although it is not easy to be detected during use, we expect to be better in every detail. Details of this optimization include:
I. Web & Client
1. Performance Issues: The problem of high memory usage has been improved, the resource consumption of the application on the user's computer has been reduced, and the performance of the video preview experience has been optimized by more than 5 times, which has improved the user experience
2. Experience Optimization : Videos in documents list mode or favorites also add a play marker icon to improve the user's interactive experience. Support multiple login method configuration on the login page, users can choose the preferred login method and set the copy of the login button
3. Improved Client Openness: The plug-in API (addAccessorFn) supports custom "selected visitor" name copywriting. Support using expired renderTo plug-in links, prompt users, and support jumping to the current valid plug-in links to improve the user's efficiency
4. Online Editing and Preview Optimization: Optimized the experience of inaccurate client prompt information when there is no preview permission
II. Cloud Disk
Experience Optimization : Optimized the handling of low local disk space during downloading files/folders. Optimized the issue that when a large directory is opened for the first time in the synchronization disk, the Explorer window is unresponsive for a long time. Optimize the synchronization disk server does not start due to abnormal conditions
III. Deployment Console & Management Console
1. Interactive Experience Optimization : Optimized the UI design of the deployment console and added a third-party certificate management tab to improve the interactive experience of users. The deployment console supports initializing clusters through interface tools to improve the visual deployment experience. Change the page logo and support the color of the navigation bar of the client interface for personalized configuration to optimize the user interaction experience
2. Quota Space Improvement: In the management console, when the organization administrator continues to assign organization management permissions, he must not set a space limit that exceeds his own quota to optimize the process of user management
3. Added Application Management: The [Application Management] tab has been added to the management console, which also controls the opening and closing of document collection and document flow switches, and the name of the review module "Document Flow Application" is renamed as "Document Circulation/Document Collection Application"
4. Added Log Type: The log type of "file collector" is added to management console log audit to record or monitor the file collation behavior of users

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