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AnyBackup Family Release Notes

2024-11-06 146 0

1、Key Features

1.1 Intranet and Extranet: 

Network Plane:
n Internal subnets are supported for backup planes and replication planes, so that backups in multi-subnet scenarios are supported.
n External subnets are supported for management planes, backup planes, and replication planes. Deployments in cross-firewall and cross-optical-gate and network-gate scenarios are supported, enabling backup and remote disaster recovery in intranet and extranet scenarios.
Network Configuration is added, allowing client download addresses, log upload addresses, management subnets, and backup subnets to be specified, so that flexible network access paths are provided for clients.
n Access to the console via specified domain name and port is supported.
n Batch configuration of default network, binding/unbinding of network configurations, and network validation initiation are supported to enhance the network configuration efficiency for clients.

1.2 Proplyd Distributed Storage:

Configuration of primary storage and acceleration disk for a local single copy storage pool is supported. The primary disk stores data, while the acceleration disk stores metadata and deduplication fingerprint data.
Local block storage pool supports NVMe SSD as the metadata acceleration disk.

1.3 AnyBackup 7 Management:

The ability to manage the data of AnyBackup 7 is supported.

1.4 Personalization: 

The customization of the menu bar, top bar, component theme color, and login page images are supported.
One-click recovery of the personalized configurations to the default is supported.

1.5 Dashboard/Report:

Dashboard/Report is supported to help users assess the construction and operation of disaster recovery systems, so that operational and maintenance strategies can be enhanced.
Dashboard: Key operational analysis metrics such as “Run time,” “Data Protected,” “Storage Utilization,” “Client Status,” “Alarm,” “Data Protection Status,” “Task Results,” “Backup Data Growth,” and “Data Reduction” are supported.
Report: Key maintenance analysis metrics such as “Global/Application Backup Success Rate” and “Global/Application DR Success Rate” are supported. Reports can be exported in .PDF and .XLSX formats.


2、New Features

2.1 Backup and Recovery

2.1.1 Host:


n Backup and recovery of parse files is supported for Windows system, so that backup and recovery efficiency is enhanced.
n Backup and recovery for GlusterFS file system is supported.
n Batch backup of file sets is supported.
n Host lists can be filtered by data source, smart directory archive, execution status, and more.
n Backup and recovery as a tenant administrator is supported in the resource mode.

Entire Machine

n Heterogeneous recovery and heterogeneous mounting for virtual machines to VMware platforms are provided.
n Deduplication, remote replication, and forced data retention are supported.
n Remote replication for deduplicated backup data to the destination is supported, maintaining deduplication effects during replication. The deduplication scope is the fingerprint library.
n Application integrity processing is supported via configuring scripts.
n Green clients are supported to reduce the resource consumption on the production end.
n Backup and recovery as a tenant administrator is supported.

2.1.2 Object Storage:

All buckets can be selected in one click for backup and recovery.
Remote replication for deduplicated backup data to the destination is supported, maintaining deduplication effects during replication. The deduplication scope is the fingerprint library.
Forced data retention is supported.

2.1.3 TDSQL (Chitu Version)

Incremental forever backup and instant recovery are supported.
Data migration back is supported. Modified mount copies can be migrated back to the production system after the business is recovered, thus ensuring data consistency.
MFS parameters are optimized to enhance the MFS performance in specific scenarios.

2.1.4 openGauss

Continuous log backup is supported, thus achieving near-zero RPO.
The logic of log backup is optimized to ensure the continuity of backup logs.
The issue of log discontinuity in continuous log backup after the job stops is optimized.

2.1.5 Vastbase and MogDB

Continuous log backup is supported.

2.1.6 GenericApp

NFS protocol is supported in instant recovery.
Instant recovery can be performed for multiple nodes simultaneously.
MFS parameters are optimized to improve the MFS performance in specific scenarios.

2.1.7 ArkDB (Based on MySQL backup and recovery solution):

Job mode:

n Incremental backup and instant recovery are supported.
n Resource cleanup is supported after DRM recovery drill.

Resource mode added:

n Full backup, incremental backup, differential backup and log backup are supported.
n Recovery in the shortest time, recovery to the latest status, recovery to a specified point in time are supported.
n Data compression, encryption in transit, deduplication and forced data retention are supported.

2.1.8 AntDB in the resource mode (Based on GenericApp backup and recovery solution):  

Full backup and browsing recovery are supported.

2.1.9 GoldenDB:

Password-free backup and recovery is supported based on CM user authorization.
MFS parameters are optimized to enhance the MFS performance in specific scenarios.

2.1.10 Oracle in the resource mode:

Full backup, log backup and incremental backup are supported. Browsing recovery, any point in time recover and instant recovery are supported.
Data compression, encryption in transfer, deduplication, remote replication and forced data retention are supported.
Remote replication for deduplicated backup data to the destination is supported, maintaining deduplication effects during replication. The deduplication scope is the fingerprint library.
Concurrent backup of Oracle RAC nodes is supported. The node backup priority can be set.
Concurrent execution of data backup and log backup is supported to enhance stability.
Simplified log backup solution: The backup and copy data management are merged for simplified management.
Optimized CDM backup mode: The log volume and temporary volume do not need to mount to the production server, thus reducing the impact on the production environment.
Backup speed limit is supported to reduce the impact on the production server.
Deduplication is disabled for log backup by default. Thus the deduplication ratio of the Oracle backup is optimized.

2.1.11 MySQL and MariaDB:

Job mode:

n Incremental backup based on LVM volume snapshot is supported.
n Concurrent execution of data backup and log backup is supported to enhance the backup stability.
n Resource cleanup is supported after DRM recovery drill (supported for MySQL only).

Resource mode added:

n Full backup, incremental backup, differential backup and log backup are supported.
n Recovery in the shortest time, recovery to the latest status, recovery to a specified point in time are supported.
n Data compression, encryption in transit, deduplication and forced data retention are supported.
n Concurrent execution of data backup and log backup is supported to enhance the backup stability.

2.1.12 PostgreSQL in the resource mode:

Incremental forever backup and browsing recovery are supported.
Concurrent execution of data backup and log backup is supported to enhance the backup stability.
Remote replication is supported.

2.1.13 Active Directory in the resource mode:

Based on Entire Machine Backup and Recovery Solution -- When the Active Directory domain is deployed on a physical server:

2.1.14 CNware:

Disk-level backup and recovery is supported.
Heterogenous recovery of the virtual machine to VMware is supported.
Instant recovery of the virtual machine to VMware is supported.
Forced data retention is supported.

2.1.15 ETCD in the resource mode (Based on GenericApp backup and recovery solution):

Full backup and instant recovery are supported.

2.1.16 Exchange Server in the resource mode (Based on VMware backup and recovery solution):

Full backup and incremental forever backup are supported.
New recovery (original configuration recovery) and overwriting recovery are supported.
Encryption in transit, deduplication, and remote replication are supported.
Remote replication for deduplicated backup data to the destination is supported, maintaining deduplication effects during replication. The deduplication scope is the fingerprint library.

2.1.17 EasyStack in the resource mode (Based on OpenStack backup and recovery solution):

Full backup and incremental forever backup are supported.
New recovery and heterogenous recovery of virtual machines to VMware or FusionCompute are supported.
Granular recovery of virtual machines is supported. The files can be downloaded from the virtual machine via the browser directly.
Encryption in transit, deduplication, and remote replication are supported.
Remote replication for deduplicated backup data to the destination is supported, maintaining deduplication effects during replication. The deduplication scope is the fingerprint library.

2.1.18 HCS Online in the resource mode:

VM-level full backup and full overwriting recovery are supported.
Remote replication, replication to tapes, and forced data retention are supported.

2.1.19 Hyper-V in the resource mode:

VM-level full backup, incremental forever backup, and new specified configuration recovery are supported.
Virtual machine groups are supported to facilitate batch management of large numbers of virtual machines.
Remote replication and forced data retention are supported.

2.1.20 OpenStack:

The backup and recovery solution based on Ceph storage is supported, which supports incremental forever backup based on the capabilities of the storage. Compared with the incremental forever backup implemented by calculating Hash values in general mode or LVM mode, it has higher backup and recovery performance.
Deduplication and forced data retention are supported.
Batch recovery of virtual machines is supported.

2.1.21 SmartX:

Virtual machine groups are supported to facilitate batch management of large numbers of virtual machines.
Tree structure is supported for managing virtual machines, thus the management is simplified.
Forced data retention is supported.

2.1.22 VMware and Alibaba Cloud Apsara Stack:

Replication to tapes and forced data retention are supported.

2.1.23 Huawei Public Cloud in the resource mode (based on HCS Online backup and recovery solution):

VM-level full backup and full overwriting recovery are supported.
Remote replication, replication to tapes, and forced data retention are supported.

2.1.24 Huawei Cloud Stack:

Heterogeneous recovery of virtual machines to VMware or FusionCompute is supported.
Instant recovery of virtual machines to hosts is supported.
Granular recovery of virtual machines is supported. The files can be downloaded from the virtual machine via the browser directly.

2.1.25 Tencent Public Cloud in the resource mode (based on TCE backup and recovery solution):

Full backup and new recovery are supported.
Deduplication, remote replication, encryption in transit, and forced data retention are supported.
Remote replication for deduplicated backup data to the destination is supported, maintaining deduplication effects during replication. The deduplication scope is the fingerprint library.

2.1.26 ZStack, H3C CAS/UIS, Promox VE, Nutanix AHV, InCloud Sphere, FusionCompute, JDStack, TCE:

Forced data retention is supported.

2.1.27 HDFS:

Instant recovery to file systems is supported.
Remote replication for deduplicated backup data to the destination is supported, maintaining deduplication effects during replication. The deduplication scope is the fingerprint library.
Replication to tapes and forced data retention are supported.

2.1.28 Redis in the resource mode (based on GenericApp backup and recovery solution):

Full backup and browsing recovery are supported.
Encryption in transit and auto retry if backup or recovery fails are supported.
Data transfer in stream mode is supported.

2.1.29 ElasticSearch and ClickHouse (based on GenericApp backup and recovery solution):

Encryption in transit and forced data retention are supported.

2.1.30 MongoDB (based on GenericApp backup and recovery solution):

Forced data retention is supported.

2.1.31 SAP HANA:

Remote replication for deduplicated backup data to the destination is supported, maintaining deduplication effects during replication. The deduplication scope is the fingerprint library.

2.1.32 GaussDB:

Forced data retention is supported.
Remote replication for deduplicated backup data to the destination is supported, maintaining deduplication effects during replication. The deduplication scope is the fingerprint library.

2.1.33 GreenPlum:

Remote replication and forced data retention are supported.

2.1.34 Kubernetes:

Block-level backup and recovery is supported.
Data-level recovery for files and blocks is supported.
Backup and recovery for ETCD under Kubernetes are supported based on the GenericApp backup and recovery solution.
Script configuration is supported for cluster resources generated by remote replication, helping users achieve data permission adjustments and other customized functions.
Forced data retention is supported.

2.1.35 Remote Replication:

AnyBackup can be replicated to AnyBackup

2.2 Disaster Recovery and Migration

2.2.1 Entire Machine:

Disaster recovery and migration to ZStack platform is supported.

2.2.2 MySQL and MongoDB in the resource mode:

The capabilities remain the same.

2.3 Data Service

2.3.1 Data Masking:

Custom discovery rules for data masking is supported. The specific sensitive data types can be discovered precisely and automatically.

2.4 DRM

2.4.1 Massive Job Drill:

Drill object groups are supported. Fast orchestration of massive VMware and file backup data is supported for disaster recovery drills.

2.4.2 Workflow:

Up to 100 nodes is supported for a single workflow. A workflow group supports serial execution of up to 200 workflows.

2.4.3 Backup Data Integrity Check:

Integrity check of file backup data is supported in job mode.

2.5 Public
2.5.1 Deployment:  

Server Deployment: Converged deployment on a standalone supports horizontal expansion for server nodes of the storage service.
Client Deployment:

n Installation and uninstallation of application agents on the console is supported to simplify management.
n In intranet and extranet scenarios, manual installation, push installation, and remote installation and uninstallation of application agents are supported. The client logs can be downloaded.

2.5.2 Alarm:

Alarm rules are added in the resource mode, including backup, replication, and mounting, thus providing more comprehensive data support for monitoring and maintenance.

2.5.3 Client:

Bulk configurations for setting default networks, binding/unbinding network configurations, and initiating network verification are supported, thus improving the client network configuration efficiency.

2.5.4 Licensing:

Subscription-based licensing is supported.
Unrestrained licensing is supported for disaster recovery and migration.
Toggle licensing is supported for distributed storage agents.
Toggle licensing is supported for synthetic-free incremental forever backup agents.


3、Enhanced Features

3.1 User Experience

3.1.1 Backup and Recovery File:

When data recovery or instant recovery is performed, users can use the Shift button to quickly select the data to be recovered.
In the resource mode, users can click the Status column of a task to view the task execution details, which helps to enhance maintenance efficiency. Oracle:

Users can directly configure custom parameters (originally supported by OracleEnv.config) on the AnyBackup Web page, and do not need to change the configuration on the server background.
Users can click the Status column of a task to view the task execution details, which helps to enhance maintenance efficiency. GoldenDB, TDSQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, HighGo, Generic App, Kingwow, GBase 8a, AntDB, Huawei Cloud RDS for MySQL, ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL:

Users can click the Status column of a task to view the task execution details, which helps to enhance maintenance efficiency. Kubernetes:

All orphaned resources can be viewed at a cluster level.
Users can click the Status column of a task to view the task execution details, which helps to enhance maintenance efficiency.

3.1.2 Public Data Protection:

In Data Protection – Backup and Recovery of the resource mode, users can change the width of each column in the list and specify the items to be displayed in the list.

3.2 Function

3.2.1 Backup and Recovery OceanBase:

Residual data after failed incremental backups can be cleaned up. VMware:

The speed limit scheme has changed. In previous versions, the speed of data transfer from the client to the backup storage can be limited. Now the speed of data transfer from the client to the production storage can be limited. ZStack, VMware, SmartX, H3C CAS/UIS, Hyper-V, Promox VE, Nutanix HAVE, InCloud Sphere, FusionCompute, OpenStack, CNware, XenServer, Alibaba Cloud Apsara Stack, JDStack, TCE, Huawei Cloud Stack, Qing Cloud, HCS Online:

The filtering of protected objects based on backup status is optimized. In previous versions, the filtering result by Backed up includes the objects with backup time points and the objects with protection configurations, some of which will be the same as the filtering result by Configured. Now only objects with backup time points will be displayed in the filtering result by Backed up, and only objects with protection configurations will be displayed in the filtering result by Configured, which helps to improve user experience.
The logic for automatic creation of fingerprint libraries is optimized, which can improve the data load balance in a single-copy, multi-node storage pool. Kubernetes:

In previous versions, the protection configuration of a protected object that is not backed up will be lost if the Kubernetes resource is resynchronized. Now resource synchronization is optimized.
The final status and failure details of the proxy Pod will be displayed when the backup agent fails to run, which helps to improve the troubleshooting efficiency.
The default memory upper limit of the backup agent , which can prevent failure of backup agent operation due to insufficient memory.
Data cleanup when the cluster is offline is optimized to avoid residual  backup data.
The resource management service is installed on both the control node and the business node to improve the backup success rate.

3.2.2 Public Deployment:

The management console and the client can be deployed separately. The client has no affects on the installation and the upgrade of the console, thus reducing the O&M complexity.

3.3 Performance

3.3.1 Data Cleanup:

The cleanup performance is enhanced. Data can be cleaned up with multiple threads. The synchronous request on deleting volumes is changed to asynchronous.

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