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AnyBackup Family Release Notes

2025-01-16 64 0

Unified Operations Management

It achieves unified portal, unified user management, unified authentication, unified management across multiple backup domains, and Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS). This satisfies the needs of various scenarios, including unified management of multiple data centers and shared disaster recovery clouds.
Unified Management

– Business operations across backup domains can be directly managed through the operations center without the need to switch logins, ensuring a friendly user experience.
– The operations center supports roles such as operations administrator, operator, tenant administrator, and tenant operator. Users can be assigned to backup domains to establish a unified user system.
– Dashboard is supported, including reports from both operations management and disaster recovery business perspectives. Unified presentation of global data is supported, as well as individual backup domain data.
– Events and alarms for the operations center and all backup domains can be managed centrally.

Backup Domain Management

– AnyBackup 8 backup domains of multiple versions can be connected into the operations center.
– Personal information, security policies, and language switching (Chinese/English) for all backup domains can be managed centrally within the operations center.

Disaster Recovery as a Service: Disaster recovery capabilities such as backup, recovery, and remote replication are provided for tenants as services.

Service Catalog: Operations administrators can customize service publication and deactivation, as well as service bundle offerings.
Self-Service Subscription: Tenant administrators can subscribe services. When applying for services, over-provisioning is supported if the total service volume exceeds the license quota.
Service Metering and Billing: Metering and billing are supported for service usage and reports will be generated. Operations administrators and tenant administrators can view service usage, fees, and usage trends within their respective permissions.

License Management

– Perpetual licenses are supported, allowing unified registration and activation of perpetual licenses within the operations center.
– Measurable licenses, such as capacity, number of clients, disaster recovery management resources, and tape drives can be shared across multiple backup domains, multiple tenants, and multiple users within a tenant.
– Non-measurable licenses, such as the backup essential module, DRM essential module, and unrestrained site-type modules, must be allocated to specific backup domains for use. These licenses can be reclaimed and reallocated, improving flexibility and helping customers reduce costs.


Unified Client Management: On-demand client downloads based on backup domain versions are supported for the operations center. Idle clients can also be cleaned up.
Personalized Configuration: Branding, product information, and product style can be customized through the operations center. The personalized configurations can be synchronized to backup domains.
High Availability Support: The operations center is deployed on Proton, utilizing a cloud-native and microservices architecture with multi-node and multi-service copies to ensure high availability.

Other Key Features

Task Concurrency Control

– Task concurrency quotas can be customized for virtualization platforms and tenant cloud platforms to prevent excessive use of production resources.
– Task concurrency quotas can be customized for physical clients to prevent excessive use of production resources.
– A simultaneous handling of up to 8,000 queued jobs is supported, ensuring that the delay for each job entering execution does not exceed 5 minutes once the conditions are met.

Intra-domain Replication: Refers to the capability of replicating storage pool data among different storage services within the same backup domain.

– Supports up to three levels of cascading replication.
– Supports parallel replication to multiple storage services.
– Supports mutual replication between different storage pools.
– Allows manual initiation or policy-based initiation of replication between storage pools under different storage services, enabling multiple data copies.
– Supports configuring different replication policies for different target storage pools.

Fuzzy Search

– Fuzzy search is supported for file backup.

Heterogeneous Disaster Recovery System Management and Migration

– Supports batch automated migration of NBU file backup and archive data to AnyBackup.
– The timestamp of data in AnyBackup after migration remains consistent with the timestamp in NBU before migration.
– Establishes associations between policies and media for data before and after migration, facilitating traceability.
– Allows retrieval of the storage media and their statuses for the NBU data to be migrated, enabling quick activation of offline media before migration.
– Supports virus scanning and availability verification of data during migration, ensuring the reliability of the migrated data.

New Features
Backup and Recovery

File: Data encryption is supported.
Huawei Cloud Stack

– Supports configuring parameters such as "backup snapshot name prefix," "recovery snapshot name prefix," and "snapshot type" directly through the web interface, eliminating the need to modify configuration files in the backend, so that the user experience is enhanced.
– Supports exporting all virtual machine list data in xlsx, csv, and txt formats.
– Provides the hcstool for checking and cleaning up residual snapshots, allowing queries and cleanup of residual backup snapshots or all backup snapshots.

HCS Online

– Supports backup and recovery at the granularity of volumes, including full backups and new recoveries (including both original configuration recovery and specified configuration recovery).
– Supports configuring DBSS service Endpoint parameters directly through the web interface, eliminating the need to modify configuration files in the backend, so that the user experience is enhanced.
– Supports exporting all virtual machine list data in xlsx, csv, and txt formats.


– Reduced user permissions required for backup and recovery on the CNware platform, from system administrator to ordinary user.
– Supports exporting all virtual machine list data in xlsx, csv, and txt formats.

Sangfor Cloud Platform (new)

– Supports full backup, incremental forever backup, and specified configuration recovery at the virtual machine level.
– Supports encryption in transit, deduplication, auto retry, forced data retention, remote replication, and deduplication-based remote replication during backup
– Supports encryption in transit and auto retry during recovery.
– Supports virtual machine groups.
– Supports exporting all virtual machine list data in xlsx, csv, and txt formats.


– Supports mounting virtual machines to FusionCompute platforms.
– Supports exporting all virtual machine list data in xlsx, csv, and txt formats.

VMware, ZStack, Promox VE, Alibaba Cloud Apsara Stack, Nutanix AHV, SmartX, TCE, OpenStack, H3C CAS, Hyper-V and InCloud Sphere:

– Supports exporting all virtual machine list data in xlsx, csv, and txt formats.

ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL (new, based on Generic App solution):

– Supports full backup, log backup, data recovery, and data mount-only (data mount-only refers to mounting data without performing data processing or starting database services).
– Supports remote replication.

Huawei Cloud HCSO RDS for MySQL (new, based on Generic App solution):

– Supports full backup, data recovery, and data mount-only.
– Supports remote replication.

TiDB (new):

– Supports full backup, incremental backup, and continuous log backup, recovery in the shortest time, recovery to the latest state, and recovery to the specified point in time.
– Allows configuring custom parameters directly through the web interface, eliminating the need to modify configuration files in the backend, thereby enhancing the user experience.

OceanBase (new):

– Supports full backup, incremental backup, and continuous log backup, recovery in the shortest time, recovery to the latest state, and recovery to the specified point in time.
– Allows custom parameter configuration directly through the web interface, eliminating the need to modify configuration files in the backend, thereby enhancing the user experience.
– Supports remote replication.


– Supports D2D2T (Disk-to-Disk-to-Tape). Archived data of synthetic backups can be unfreezed to storage for instant recovery, while data of non-synthetic backups can be directly recovered from tapes or unfreezed to storage for data recovery.
– Supports non-synthetic backups for AIX.
– Synthetic backups can be backed up and mounted through FC (Fibre Channel) links.
– Supports cross-backup with local backup scripts, third-party backup software, and other versions of AnyBackup.
– Supports replication among multiple storage services within the same domain.


– Supports remote replication.
– Supports custom configurations of backup nodes.

DB2 (new):

– Supports backup and recovery for both standalone and HADR cluster modes.
– Supports full backup, incremental backup, and log backup, recovery in the shortest time, recovery to the latest state, and recovery to the specified point in time..
– Allows custom parameter configurations directly through the web interface, eliminating the need to modify configuration files in the backend, thereby enhancing the user experience.
– Supports remote replication.

Dameng (new):

– Supports backup and recovery for standalone and primary-standby clusters.
– Supports both synthetic and non-synthetic backups. Synthetic backups are supported for full backup, incremental backup, and log backup. Non-synthetic backups are supported for full backup, incremental backup, differential backup, and log backup.
– Supports data recovery, including recovery in the shortest time, recovery to any point in time, recovery to the latest state, and recovery to a specified LSN.
– Supports instant recovery.
– Allows custom parameter configurations directly through the web interface, eliminating the need to modify configuration files in the backend, thereby enhancing the user experience.


– Supports remote replication.


– Supports synthetic backup and instant recovery.
– Supports password-free backup using login-path.
– Supports remote replication and deduplication.
– Supports backup and recovery for lower versions of GoldenDB V5.
– Enhanced backup and recovery performance: achieves a speed of up to 12 GiB/s with 40 nodes.

PanWeiDB (new):

– Supports full backup, incremental backup, log backup, and continuous log backup.
– Supports archived log deletion policies and multi-channel backup.
– Supports data recovery, including recovery in the shortest time, recovery to the latest state, recovery to a specified point in time, and recovery to a specified XIDz.
– Supports instant recovery.

GaussDB DWS:

– Supports granular recovery at the granularity of table, schema, and database.
– Supports recovery with renaming.

• Disaster Recovery and Drill
– For virtual machines of instant recovery, a "specified IP mapping rule" is added, allowing virtual machines to specify an IP address.
– A "Node Failure Handling Policy" is added in workflows to define strategies for handling failed nodes during workflow execution.
– A "Workflow Result Policy" is added in workflows to specify strategies for handling the overall workflow result when a node fails during execution.
– Condition nodes are added in workflows, enabling downstream execution paths to be determined based on the execution results of upstream nodes.
– Timer nodes are added in workflows, supporting specified delay duration, delays until a specified time, or indefinite delays until manual continuation is triggered.
– Supports disaster recovery drills for the most recent full backup point in time, enabling the fastest disaster recovery and drill execution.
• Data Sandbox
– Supports virus scanning.
– Supports port whitelists, enabling virtual clients within the sandbox to connect to the AnyBackup console. Ports are automatically closed after the business operation finishes.
• Report
– Success rate statistics is added to tenant reports, supporting global disaster recovery success rate statistics and disaster recovery success rate statistics by application types.
• Replication to Tapes:
– Supports replicating data backed up to distributed storage pools to tape storage pools.
– Supports using distributed storage pools (including EC and three-copy storage pools) as tape cache pools.
• Distributed Storage Pool
– NVMe disk lifetime alarms are added, allowing alarms to be configured based on temperature, power cycle count, remaining lifetime percentage, and runtime, enabling timely handling of NVMe lifetime expiration issues.
• Dashboard/Report
– Dashboard and reports are supported for tenants.
– Tenant administrators can access key operational metrics, including cumulative protected data, client status, storage utilization, pending alarm statistics in workstation mode, timeout task statistics in workstation mode, data protection statistics in workstation mode, task execution statistics in workstation mode, and backup data growth statistics in workstation mode.
– Tenant administrators can view and export key maintenance analysis metrics, including global backup success rate, application-level backup success rate, global disaster recovery success rate, and application-level disaster recovery success rate.
– Super administrators can view all data within the system account for unified data monitoring and management, while data between tenants are isolated to ensure operations security.
• Backup Copy Retention Period
– Backup copy retention policies are extended, supporting permanent retention, retention for a specified period, and retention until a specified expiry date.
– Expiry date is added for a backup copy.
• Diagnostic Logs
– Supports downloading logs from the console: system logs, operation logs, and more.
– Supports batch export of diagnostic logs.
– Supports exporting logs within a specified time range.
– Supports perpetual licenses for heterogeneous disaster recovery system management.
– Supports perpetual licenses for multi-tenant management.
– Supports perpetual licenses for data management approval workflows.
User Authentication
– Supports user identity authentication via third-party authentication systems using the OAuth 2.0 standard protocol and enables password-free login to AnyBackup.
• Event and Alarm
– Supports merging all alarms scheduled for the same time into a single email.
– Supports customization of alarm email subjects.
• Product Login
– Supports single sign-on (SSO) access to AnyBackup using AK/SK and provides flexible third-party authentication interface configuration to meet diverse security authentication requirements.
• Personalized Configuration
– Supports customization of software initialization contents.
– Supports customization of product theme colors and layout.
– Supports customization of feature masking.

Enhanced Features
Enhanced User Experience


User Operation Recording: Ensures that users remain on the current page after the page is refreshed. This avoids unnecessary repetitive operations and enhances overall user experience.
Exception Handling: Improved exception handling and interface fault tolerance. When the software encounters an exception, a specifically designed interface provides more user-friendly error messages, ensuring a smoother experience during use.


Backup and Recovery

• Huawei Cloud Stack
– Optimizes the consistent snapshot interface model: replaced snapshot operations with Service OM EVS/FusionSphere OpenStack Cinder interface, removing the use of ManageOne Service Center snapshot interface.
– Consistent snapshot is used by default. If it is not supported, ordinary snapshots will be performed with a warning message.
• MySQL Data Cleanup
– MySQL redo logs do not occupy local space, and binlogs do not occupy the system directory during recovery.
– Supports configuring MySQL timeout and other parameters via a GUI for custom parameter settings.
– Execution output now includes XtraBackup version details.
– Optimizes the xtarbackup tool logs, with default support for log output printing.
• Kubernetes
– Supports resource filtering based on "execution status."


• Pre-Process Guidance
– Guides users with basic configurations before performing backup and recovery, including adding and activating licenses, creating storage pools, and configuring network planes, helping users get started quickly.
• Key Management
– KMS Encryption and Decryption Optimization
n Supports daily scheduled health checks for encryption and decryption of all service keys. If a health check fails, an alarm is triggered to ensure the availability of key services.
n Supports health checks for the key services before console upgrades to ensure the availability of key services.
– KMC Data Backup Optimization
n Automatically backs up the latest KMC data after key updates to prevent kmc data loss.
n All control nodes support automatic KMC data backup to prevent kmc data loss.
• System Monitoring
– Supports manual configuration of memory alarm thresholds, CPU alarm thresholds, and network communication alarm indicators in the backend.
Performance Optimization
• Page Load Performance:
– The first-screen load performance is improved by approximately 4x.

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